
MatchedRows Function


the matchedRows of <dataSheet>
where "condition" Applies to datasheets


Like the matchedCols function, matchedRows is a query function that returns a comma-delimited list of numbers that correspond to the rows of a dataSheet that satisfy the given constraints. The constraints are specified using a string expression. You can use several constraints joined by logical operators. Each constraint must use the following format: [not] <column> [= | > | < | etc.] value


You can use the matchedRows function to find matching data with spaces in it. For example, & QUOTE matches a cell containing Hello World. Column 2 will be searched for values that are greater than Smith and column 5 will be searched for values greater than 32000. The resulting string of matching row numbers will be put into the variable selectedRowVar.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.